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Bonds of Attraction (Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) Read online

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  He’d spin me around and we’d be facing the mirror. He’d be holding me with one arm while his other arm tore off his gym shorts and we’d be naked in front of the whole gym. We’d be as enticing as Greek statues, perfectly sculpted and carved in the image of perfection. I’d look through the mirror and catch the eyes of those in the gym that watched us. I’d meet every one of their gazes briefly and know that we were all that existed in this moment.

  I ran faster, turning up the speed on my treadmill. The guy walked over to the water fountain and drank, leaning over as he did. I saw the muscles in his arms, taut and free of body fat.

  The whole gym would watch as he lifted me higher and then he would sit down, lowering me on top of him. Our bodies would meet in an explosion of pleasure. His hands would flow over me like water and I’d move up and down on him in waves. We’d moan loudly. The gym would be silent as people held their breaths. When we both climaxed simultaneously, all the spectators would gasp for air as we provided them their release.

  I set the treadmill to the cool-down mode. My run turned into a light jog and I checked my heart rate. It was a little higher than normal, but it wasn’t just from the running. He had taken the treadmill next to mine to cool himself down after his workout. I watched him fascination. This guy had pushed himself to the limits. I just hoped that he’d saved at least a little energy. He’ll need it. I smiled and looked over to him. He smiled back, a big, wide smile of perfectly white teeth.

  Our treadmills finished the cool-down program at the same time. I toweled myself off, making sure to go slowly around my cleavage. While I drank from my water bottle, I let a little spill down my chin. From the look in his eyes, I knew I had him hooked.

  We hopped off the treadmills, and I turned to him.

  “I couldn’t help noticing you earlier,” I said. “You were really working out hard.”

  “Yeah, I suppose I was. Name’s Dominic.”

  “Julie,” I said, holding out my hand. He took my hand and gently shook it. When I pulled my hand away, I let two fingers caress his hand before I broke away completely.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Julie. Would you be interested in grabbing a drink with me?”

  His face was perfectly proportioned. When he spoke, he let little smiles steal into his composure, softening everything he said into an aura of friendliness. I studied him as he spoke and determined that he probably was a genuinely nice guy. He was perfect for tonight.

  “No,” I said. Dominic’s face took on a perplexed expression. I could see the gears working in his brain trying to figure out what went wrong. “I’m not interested in a date, Dominic.”

  I ran my hand over his shoulder and met his eyes. I told him everything he needed to know with my stare.

  “Do you want to come back to my place?” he asked, a sly smile spreading across his face.

  “Yes. Let me go wash up. I suggest you do the same.” I bit my lower lip and walked away. I patted away dust from my ass that probably wasn’t there, giving him a little show as I walked into the locker room.

  I showered quickly. I felt excited. I was a little eager, sure, but didn’t rush. I toweled myself off and got dressed. I finished the last of my water bottle and when I walked out of the locker room, Dominic was waiting by the door, drinking a protein shake.

  I followed his Audi in my car. When we arrived at his place, he walked over to my car and opened my door for me. Quite the gentleman I see. I thanked him and we walked into his apartment building together. Once inside, I looked around and noticed that it was clean and well-organized.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked.

  “No, thank you.”

  “So, Julie, what do you do for a living?”

  I walked around his apartment. It was a two bedroom, conservatively furnished and decorated. He had a small office where he had a nice desk and a closed. There were photos on the desk of him and his family. I looked around and the bedroom was all grey and black furniture, a true bachelor pad.

  I took off my suit jacket and tossed it onto his couch. My nipples were hard, showing through my thin white blouse since I wasn’t wearing a bra. I unbuttoned the top button on my blouse.

  “It’s really not important,” I said flirtatiously.

  The blouse fell to the ground. I unzipped my skirt and dropped it to the ground, stepping out of it when it fell. I seemed to have forgotten to put on any underwear at all.

  His eyebrows rose when he saw my naked body. I walked up to him and my hand slid up his inner thigh, stopping just before it reached his groin. I stood on my tip-toes and sucked on the bottom of his ear, all the while rubbing his inner thigh. His hand slid around my lower back and then both hands pulled me into him as he leaned down and kissed me.

  I reached behind him to feel his ass. It was firm and muscular, cut from years of squats and running. I squeezed hard and relished the feel of his body in my hands. Then I pushed him back gently.

  “Why are you still dressed?” I asked.

  He practically tore off his clothes. I turned around and walked away from him, moving my hips with exaggerated movements as I did so. I could hear him tripping over himself as he began to follow and I smiled to myself. His eagerness was cute.

  I turned on the lights in his bedroom; I wanted to be able to see everything. Dominic came in the room, totally stripped of his clothes. I eyed his body. He had lived up to my expectations. I ran my hand down his abs, tracing the lines of his muscles with my fingers softly. I looked him in the eyes as my hand fell between his legs and I gripped him in my hand. I squeezed and pulled gently, feeling how he was as hard as stone.

  He rubbed my breasts with his hands, teasing around the nipples. He leaned down and began to kiss my neck, sucking on the skin softly. His fingers danced around my nipples, defying my every want for him to grab them and squeeze. His tongue followed the line of my collarbone until it slid down between my breasts. I let go of him and he fell to his knees before me. He licked the tip of my nipple, so delicately that it was as though a breeze had swept over them.

  I moaned loudly and pulled his head against me, making him suck on my nipples harder. His left hand worked my other nipple, squeezing and pulling as his other hand slid around and gripped my supple ass. I could feel his hot breath against my tender skin and I began to move my hips back and forth, pushing against his hand until it slid between my legs and he began to rub my pussy. I was so wet that soon his fingers slid into me with ease.

  He lifted me up, his fingers still inside me and his mouth moving between each nipple. He put me down on the bed and crawled on top of me. I put my hand against his chest and stopped him before he pushed his cock into me. He leaned down and kissed me. Then he reached into his nightstand and pulled out a condom. I opened it and slid it down on him. His cock was perfect, not too small or large. He was exactly what I needed right now.

  I grabbed him and pushed him over. I jumped up and got on top. I grabbed his cock and squeezed it as I sat down back on it. I felt him slide into me slowly, and he let out a small moan as he slid into me as far as he could go. I moved my hips back and forth on top of him, gripping his shoulders to steady myself.

  Dominic began to caress the side of my face and I grabbed his hand and moved it back down to my breasts. His other hand was about to move through my hair and I moved it down to my ass so he would squeeze my cheeks and move me against him. I closed my eyes and focused on my movements.

  “Come with me,” I said.

  He began to breathe heavily, and I knew he was about to come. I pushed down harder and then the faint beginnings of an orgasm began growing in me. I moved faster, grabbing his hands and making him squeeze both my nipples as I slid up and down on him. The orgasm rose in me to a wave of pleasure. I let out a loud moan and then it broke. I came, rocking violently on top of him, and in the middle of my orgasm, Dominic let out a cry as well.

  We both shook with pleasure as the last waves of our climax fizzled. Completely fulfilled, I rolled onto
my back, feeling the echoes of having just come. It had been good, exactly what I needed to relieve the stress of work.

  “That was fucking amazing,” he said. He leaned over to kiss me, but I got up from the bed before he could. I looked back at him playfully, letting his eyes scan my naked body once more.

  “It sure was.”

  I walked over to where my clothes were and began dressing. He stood in the doorway of his bedroom, naked and glistening with sweat.

  “You don’t have to rush out of here so quickly,” he said. “You can take a shower and crash here. I don’t mind.”

  I laughed. I buttoned up my blouse, threw on my suit jacket and turned to him.

  “That’s very nice of you. But why would I want to stick around?”

  He looked at me and nodded, understanding what I meant perfectly.

  “I needed a good fuck to help me relieve some stress, and believe me honey, you were great,” I said. I winked at him and walked out of his apartment.

  When I sat down in my car, I felt as though I was as light as a feather. Since Mr. Perfect didn’t exist, Mr. Hook-up was the next best thing. I turned up the music and sang along as I drove home.

  Chapter 2

  I woke up in the morning, refreshed and alert. It was still too early to go into work, so I treated myself to another shower. Afterwards, I ate a light breakfast of fruit and drank two large cups of strong, black coffee. I drove to work listening to the news, feeling good about the coming day of work.

  I pulled into my parking spot and turned the car off. I found myself whistling as I opened the door to the office. When April saw me, I noticed a mild look of surprise flash for a brief instant before it was replaced with her customary smile.

  “Good morning,” I said politely.

  “Good morning, Miss Facet,” April replied. “I’ve put the wedding invitations in the outgoing mail slot. Also, I organized your client file for today and left it on your desk like you asked. Is there anything else you’re going to need?”

  “That’ll be all for now. I’ll let you know if anything comes up.” I smiled at her and walked into my office and then stopped, turning around. “Oh, there is one thing.”


  “You can feel free to put on some music. Your choice today,” I said warmly.

  “Great! Thanks Miss Facet.” We were pretty much the only two people that were regularly in the office, yet I had never told April to address me by my first name. In fact, none of the employees called me by name, despite the size of the business. Not one freelancer or part-timer called me by anything except Miss Facet. April was our only full-time employee aside from me and she had been here almost from the beginning.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I left my office door open and sat down at the desk. I opened the folder before me and read through it quickly. Female, early thirties, looking for Mr. Right. He must be: attractive, health-conscious, sensitive but not overly sensitive, upper-middle class, athletic, spiritual but not fanatically religious, into traveling, looking to get married, and ready for kids in the next three to five years. The only things she forgot to add was that he must have a big package and slay dragons in his free time. Also, if she happens to eat a poison apple, his kiss will bring her back from the dead.

  I tossed the client folder back onto my desk, not needing to read any further. Her expectations for a partner were beyond realistic, but luckily for her, most men were completely unrealistic when they described themselves. She’d be easy to pair with just about any professional in his early to late thirties who was a tad obsessive about going to the gym and only ate kale and boiled chicken. They’d marry quickly and for a few years, maybe even a decade, they’d believe themselves happy and in love. The fantasy would be nice, for a while.

  The office phone rang above the music. April paused the music mid-song and answered the phone politely. I was checking my phone and not paying much attention to the conversation when she peeked her head into my office.

  “Miss Facet?”

  “Yes, April. What is it?”

  “Well, it’s a gentleman on the phone who wants to speak with you directly.”

  I sighed. “I take it you told him that we always book free consultations first and that I don’t do phone interviews?”

  “Yes, Miss Facet. But he was insistent. He said that if you speak with him, he’ll pay you whatever you charge for an hour and that the phone call won’t take nearly that long.”

  “Fine, you take down his credit card info and bill him for an hour. You tell him that if we go over an hour, he gets billed for an additional hour, even if it’s only ten seconds. Once the charge clears, you can transfer him into my office.”

  I checked my emails while April did her thing. I often dealt with very wealthy clients who were willing to pay to break the rules, whether it was calling me on my personal cell phone or insisting on meeting during non-office hours. It tended to add up to a substantial amount. I usually used the money to give bonuses to the employees at Christmas. Last year I was able to buy entirely new computers in addition to handing out the bonuses. It’d been a good, but annoying, year.

  April leaned her head in my office again and gave me a thumbs up. I waved my hand to signal her to transfer the call and she patched him through. My phone rang silently, as I had it setup to do, and I picked up after the second ring.

  “Hello, this is Julie Facet.”

  “Hey Julie, my name is Stills. I’m not calling for myself. I’m calling on behalf of my best friend.”

  I sighed. This also happened more times than I cared for. People would call up on behalf of their friends, wanting to sign them up for my services. Sometimes it was a Christmas present or a birthday present. Twice, it was a present for the anniversary of a divorce.

  It typically didn’t go well. The person the gift was intended for was either so surprised that they were embarrassed that their friends would think they needed a “dating service”, to which I repeatedly told them I wasn’t some cheap service for getting a person laid, or they were downright offended. I had learned the hard way that when it comes to matchmaking, the person has to volunteer himself. No exceptions.

  “Stills, let me interrupt you here. I’m sorry, but it’s company policy that we only deal directly with the client who is going to use our services. We don’t sell gift cards for our services and I don’t take on anybody who doesn’t directly hire me. Have your friend call me, then I can begin offering him my services.”

  Stills was not to be deterred. “Julie,” he said, pausing to correct himself. “Miss Facet, your services come highly recommended from more than a few of my friends. A few of my happily married friends. I know all about your company. You produce amazing results and I’ve seen it for myself. My buddy needs your help, and honestly, he’s a little embarrassed to call. I work for him, so I offered to call to, you know, scope it out for him.”

  “I’m really sorry but—”

  “Look, just meet him, tonight. I’ll pay you. I know you don’t come cheap. But I’ll give you a twenty percent advance on your fee if you just meet him tonight. It’ll be an hour out of your day. You can come down to the club, meet with Leon, and have a free drink. Even if you don’t end up working with him, you’ll get paid just for coming down for a free drink.”

  I considered it for a minute.

  “Okay, I’ll transfer you to my secretary after our discussion and she’ll handle your deposit. You’re fully aware that if this doesn’t work out tonight, you lose your deposit?”

  “Yes, no problemo. I’m positive it’ll go well.”

  “Okay, Stills. Tell me about your friend.”

  “His name is Leon Christensen.” The name sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t put a name to the face. “He owns a chain of clubs. I’m the manager of them, and him and I go way back. Leon comes from old money, but you know, I wasn’t nearly as lucky. But Leon is the best guy I know, and that’s why I need you. He’s been in and out of relationships
so quickly that it’s almost as if he’s sabotaging himself. If you could help him figure out what he’s doing wrong and find him the perfect match, that would be incredible.”

  I considered it for a moment. It wouldn’t have been the first time I took on a case that took a little bit of attitude adjustment on the client’s part.

  “Come down to The Nova, it’s Leon’s Beverly Hills club. Can you meet him there tonight, maybe around six or so, before we open for the public?”

  I scanned the calendar on my computer and saw that I was free. “Yes, that’ll work for me. I’ll be there at six on the dot. At seven, I leave. I’ll let you know when I leave whether I take his case or not.”